About Me

Hey! I'm Sahand (aka Sam or 山姆), currently a second-year PhD student at Tsinghua University's Conversational AI lab (THU CoAI), advised by Prof. Minlie Huang. Before that, I obtained my Bachelor's degree at Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University in 2020 and my Master's degree at Tsinghua University in 2022, majoring in Computer Science and Technology.
My research mainly revolves around Emotional Intelligence in Natural Language Processing, specifically in the domain of open-domain conversational agents or chatbots. This line of work aims to enable these agents to better engage with users through modeling human behavior by understanding user's emotions, demonstrating empathy, and providing appropriate support and companionship. More recently, I have shifted my focus to more task-specific cases of this research direction to explore the use of agents in mental health support. With the worldwide prevalence of mental health issues and mental distress becoming a more critical issue in our society, such models can help facilitate affordable and available support for those in need.
In summary,
  • 💻 I’m currently work on emotionally intelligent dialogue systems and learning a lot!
  • ❤️ I’m interested in using dialogue systems for mental health and emotional support.
  • 🤝 I’m open to collaborate on interesting projects! Reach me through Email.


* indicates equal contribution.